Bill #
Bill Description
Cosponsored — A bill to increase the participation of historically underrepresented demographic groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and industry.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to designate additional unlawful acts under the Act, strengthen penalties for violations of the Act, improve Department of Agriculture enforcement of the Act, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to prioritize funding for an expanded and sustained national investment in basic science research.
Cosponsored — A bill to require the Director of National Intelligence to develop a strategy to improve the sharing of information and intelligence on foreign adversary tactics and illicit activities affecting the ability of United States persons to compete in foreign jurisdictions on projects relating to energy generation and storage, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for a first-time homebuyer credit, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, with respect to the highway safety improvement program, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to provide downpayment assistance to first-generation homebuyers to address multigenerational inequities in access to homeownership and to narrow and ultimately close the racial homeownership gap in the United States, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to provide employees with a minimum of 2 consecutive hours of paid leave in order to vote in Federal elections.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for patient protection by limiting the number of mandatory overtime hours a nurse may be required to work in certain providers of services to which payments are made under the Medicare Program.
Sponsored — A bill to amend chapters 95 and 96 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to reform the system of public financing for Presidential election campaigns, and for other purposes.
Sponsored — A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to reduce the number of members of the Federal Election Commission from 6 to 5, to revise the method of selection and terms of service of members of the Commission, to distribute the powers of the Commission between the Chair and the remaining members, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to designate the area of Sumner Row between 16th Street Northwest and L Street Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, as "Alexi Navalny Way".
Cosponsored — A bill to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to establish or expand programs to implement evidence-aligned practices in health care settings for the purpose of reducing the suicide rates of covered individuals, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to provide financial assistance to States to implement expanded energy savings performance contracting programs, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to allow individuals with disabilities to campaign for elected office without losing access to federally supported benefits.
Cosponsored — A bill to support local governments for jurisdictions that elect or appoint a person with a disability in providing the accommodations needed for the elected or appointed official to carry out their official work duties, and to build the capacity of local governments to have consistent and adequate funding for accommodations.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to increase voting accessibility for individuals with disabilities and older individuals, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to treat transfers of appreciated property to certain tax-exempt organizations the same as transfers of appreciated property to political organizations.