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Van Hollen marks a new era for Maryland in the senate

WASHINGTON - For almost a decade Maryland has had the same look in Senate, but now that's changed with former congressman now Senator, Chris Van Hollen.

Like retired Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Van Hollen will sit on the Senate's Appropriations committee meaning he'll be able to chime in when the state needs federal monies.

At the top of his list, improving the way Marylander's get around.

"I want to make sure that Maryland's priorities are met and that means investing in important priorities, for example modernizing our infrastructure our roads, our bridges, our transit ways," Van Hollen said.

It's that attention to priority that has people like state senator Jim Mathias on board

Mathias says when the Eastern Shore was hit the hardest Van Hollen was there.

"He was excellent to us, Hurricane Sandy and Somerset County recovery, Crisfield recovery. You'll recall FEMA denied the individual assistance, Chris went right to work on our behalf and I really do appreciate it," Mathias said.

One last priority when it comes to funding, comes outside of the state, NASA Wallops.

Former Senator Mikulski made sure money was always there when it needed to be for the facility and Van Hollen said that won't stop on his watch.

"We're going to work very hard to continue the Mikulski legacy of funding Wallops it's really important to the nation and it's really important to our regional economy on the Eastern Shore," Van Hollen said.

In addition to sitting on the appropriations committee Van Hollen will also serve on the banking committee, the budget committee and the agriculture committee. Van Hollen said with the agriculture committee he'll look to work hand in hand with Eastern Shore farmers to come up with the best policies to sustain them.