January 23, 2018

Biden Expresses Support for DETER Act

Today, at the Council on Foreign Relations, former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed Senators Van Hollen and Rubio's bipartisan DETER Act, legislation to prevent foreign interference in U.S. Elections. A transcript of the former Vice President's remarks regarding the DETER Act is below, and the full transcript and video of the event can be found here (Question at 41:51).

RACHEL OSWALD, CQ: Vice President Biden, there-to be a little bit more specific, there is bipartisan legislation in the Senate right now from Senators Rubio and Van Hollen that would put in place sanctions that would snap in place on Russia if in the future any determination is made that foreign election interference has happened, and you may be familiar with the legislation.


OSWALD: These are sweeping sanctions, including on the financial sector. Do you think this is an appropriate step and that the potential unintended consequences have been adequately thought through?

BIDEN: I think it is an appropriate step. I'm sure there are consequences that could flow that are ones we did not anticipate, but I cannot-I do not believe the failure-doing that equals the failure to take these steps in terms of our interests. And so I would-were I in the Senate, I'd be supporting that legislation.
