August 11, 2020

Maryland Delegation Announces Nearly $3,000 to Supply PPE for Frederick County Firefighters

U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin and Congressman Jamie Raskin (all D-Md.) announced $2,700 in new federal funding for the New Mark District Volunteer Fire Rescue Company in Frederick County, Md. through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant – COVID-19 Supplemental Program (AFG-S) program. The funding will be used to purchase new personal protective equipment (PPE) and related supplies to the fire service community to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“Maryland’s firefighters risk life and limb for our local communities. This funding means Frederick County firefighters can buy equipment to better protect themselves while serving the public,” said Senator Van Hollen. “I will keep fighting to ensure that Maryland’s first responders have the resources they need to improve their own safety as they protect our communities.”

“Every day our firefighters make enormous sacrifices when responding to emergencies, and the risks have greatly increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Senator Cardin. “This supplemental PPE will help ensure our frontline workers are safe and have all the resources necessary for safely providing critical first-response services during the pandemic.”

“I’m grateful to our brave Frederick County firefighters for all that they do to support public safety and public health during this pandemic, and I’m happy to join my colleagues in announcing this small amount of federal funds to provide supplemental PPE and help support their efforts,” said Rep. Raskin. 

The lawmakers secured $355 million for the AFG program for Fiscal Year 2020.  The AFG program strengthens the capability of fire departments, nonaffiliated Emergency Medical Services organizations and state fire training academies to protect the health and safety of the public and first responder personnel.  The lawmakers secured $100 million for the Fiscal Year 2020 COVID-19 Supplemental (AFG-S) program, in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES Act) and continue to support robust funding for the program – including by urging FEMA Administrator Gaynor to increase federal support for firefighters as the COVID-19 crisis devastates state and local budgets.