December 20, 2016

Van Hollen Announces New Senate Staff

Washington, DC- Today Maryland Senator-elect Chris Van Hollen announced the hiring of new senior staff in his Capitol Hill office. Karen Robb will serve as Chief of Staff, Yvette Lewis will serve as Director of External Relations and Community Outreach, and BillDausterwill serve as Director of Policy.

"I am pleased to announce three top staff members of our Capitol Hill team,"said Senator-elect Van Hollen."They will help support my efforts to serve the people of Maryland in the United States Senate."

"It's been an honor to work with Senator-elect Van Hollen for over a decade, and I look forward to continuing that work in the U.S. Senate,"said Robb."He is committed to moving Maryland -- and the entire country -- forward, and I'm proud to be a part of this team."

"Senator-elect Van Hollen knows that the health of our entire state depends on the success of all of our communities, and he's committed to reaching out and engaging every Marylander as he takes on his new role in the U.S. Senate,"said Lewis."I've seen his commitment to the people he represents first hand, and I'm honored to join his team."

"As a constituent and a Senate staffer, I've known Senator-elect Van Hollen since he joined the Maryland legislature and I've seen him fighting for Maryland and all Americans,"Daustersaid."I'm looking forward to joining his team."

Karen Robb has served Congressman Van Hollen for 11 years as his Chief of Staff, Policy Director of his Office as Assistant to the Speaker, and Counsel on the House Budget Committee. Prior to that, she was Deputy Assistant to President Clinton in the Office of Legislative Affairs, Chief of Staff to Senator John Edwards, Democratic Staff Director for the Senate Judiciary Committee under Senator Joe Biden, and Chief Counsel to Senator Dennis DeConcini. Robb graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and received a J.D from the Duquesne University School of Law.

Yvette Lewis has served as Chair and Vice Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party and currently sits on the DNC National Committee. She has previously worked as the President of the Voter Empowerment Action Project, member of the DNC Budget and Finance Committee, and Secretary of the Association of State Democratic Chairs. Lewis has also served on the White House Commission for Presidential Scholars. Additionally, she has an accomplished career in music as a vocalist and teacher in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Montgomery County schools.

BillDausterhas served on Senate, White House, and campaign staffs since 1986, most recently as deputy chief of staff for policy for Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid. Before that,Dausterhad been Staff Director or Deputy Staff Director on the U.S. Senate Budget, Labor and Human Resources, and Finance Committees, Deputy Director of the White House National Economic Council, and Legislative Director for Senator Russ Feingold.
