April 30, 2019

Van Hollen Appoints New Senate Page from Caroline County

Emily Thompson from Denton will serve in the U.S. Capitol during the Summer Session

Today U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen announced the appointment of Emily Thompson from Denton, MD – a rising senior at North Caroline High School – as a Senate page for the Summer 2019 session. Emily will have the opportunity to work in the Senate chamber to assist with day-to-day operations in the Capitol from July 8th through August 2nd.


Senator Van Hollen, Emily Thompson, and Caroline County School Superintendent Dr. Patricia Saelens.

“Emily is an energetic and bright student who is committed to public service – from her work in student government to volunteer work through the Leo Club and her church,” said Senator Van Hollen. “I’m proud to appoint her to the Senate Page Program, where she’ll have the unique opportunity to see and participate in the inner workings of the U.S. Senate.”

The Senate Page Program began in 1829 and continues to this day, with pages coming from all 50 states. They are each appointed and sponsored by a U.S. Senator, and they must be high school juniors and at least sixteen years old.  Senate page duties consist primarily of delivery of correspondence and legislative material within the Congressional complex. Other duties include preparing the chamber for Senate sessions and carrying bills and amendments to the desk. 
