August 25, 2023

Van Hollen, Cardin Announce More Than $50,000 for Improvements at Cambridge-Dorchester Regional Airport

Today, U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) announced $52,538 in federal funding to help the Cambridge-Dorchester Regional Airport complete infrastructure improvements at the airport to meet operational needs and safety standards by rehabilitating the airport’s runway. Funding is provided through the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP).

“The Cambridge-Dorchester Regional Airport supports our local economy and helps ensure that people, goods, and a range of cargo get where they need to on time. That’s why we fought for this investment to make sure it can continue to serve the Lower Shore’s businesses, residents, and visitors safely and efficiently. We will keep working to secure the funding that helps our local airports remain an engine for economic opportunities so these communities can continue to thrive,” said Senator Van Hollen.

“Maintaining Cambridge-Dorchester Regional Airport’s infrastructure benefits the state’s overall health, safety and economy. This airport not only serves thousands of travelers annually but was central in connecting the Eastern Shore with COVID-19 essentials while supply chains were stalled. This federal funding to improve the airport’s runway is an investment to meet the region’s current and future needs,” said Senator Cardin.

AIP funds various types of airport infrastructure projects across the country, including repairs and upgrades to runways, taxiways, airport signage, lighting and markings – all while creating thousands of good-paying, local jobs. The members have consistently fought to provide funds for airports and terminal operators, including by helping to pass the fiscal year 2023 appropriations package, which included an estimated $1.5 billion for AIP projects.