March 05, 2019

Van Hollen, Cardin, Trone Announce $100,000 Investment in Garrett College IT Infrastructure

U.S. Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin and Congressman David Trone (MD-08) today announced a $50,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to Garrett College. The federal funding, coupled with $50,000 in local funding, will provide $100,000 to further upgrade internet connectivity for the campus. The project will support mobile learning, research and information exchange for 5,700 students and 500 community members annually.

“Increased access to the internet means greater access to job opportunities and educational resources. This funding will allow Garrett College to better serve its students and the community by expanding connectivity,” said Senator Van Hollen, a member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committees who has successfully secured increased funding for ARC. “I was proud to support Garrett College’s request for this funding, and I will continue working in the Senate to provide these crucial investments in our state.”

“ARC has been a reliable federal partner in supporting growth and development in Western Maryland. This grant will expand the capacity for Garrett College to prepare its students to compete in the 21st century workforce and industries that are the foundation of our national and state economies. Investments into STEM education are the first step in securing a bright future for our students and our state,” said Senator Ben Cardin, a member of the Senate Finance Committee and champion of STEM program funding for Maryland colleges and universities.

“Today, a lack of access to technology can serve as a barrier to education and jobs,” said Congressman David Trone, a supporter of the Appalachian Regional Commission and member of the House Education and Labor Committee. “It’s important that we provide our students with all of the tools they need to succeed and the ability to connect with the world around them. The Appalachian Regional Commission’s grant is an example of how federal and local groups can work together to make sure the students of Garrett College get the education they deserve.”

Established in 1965, ARC is a regional economic development agency that represents a partnership of the federal government and 13 state governments focusing on 420 counties across Appalachia, according to ARC. Local participation is provided through multi-county local development districts. Senators Cardin and Van Hollen and Congressman Trone advocated and secured significant funding for the program in the FY 2019 spending bill, including a $10 million increase from the FY18 level. The president had previously attempted to zero out funding for the program. 

