August 08, 2020

Van Hollen: “If Republicans really are worried with interference in our elections they should pass the DETER Act”

Senator Discusses COVID relief package, Russian election interference with MSNBC’s Ali Velshi

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) spoke with MSNBC’s Ali Velshi on the need for Congress to urgently pass additional COVID-19 relief and the clear threat of Russian interference in our elections. On the COVID-19 relief package, Van Hollen underscored President Trump and Republicans’ unwillingness to work with Democrats to provide American workers, small businesses, and families with the support they need during this time. On Russian interference, in response to yesterday’s Director of National Intelligence report, Senator Van Hollen pointed to the clear attempts by Russia to continue interfering in our democratic process and Republican ambivalence in holding them accountable. Van Hollen urged that intelligence reports on Russian interference be made public and stressed that if Mitch McConnell and Republican leadership are serious about preventing election interference the Congress must immediately pass his bipartisan DETER Act

Video of the Senator’s interview is available here.