March 25, 2020

Van Hollen Secures Protections for Maryland Families, Workers, Small Businesses in Senate Phase 3 Coronavirus Package

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding his vote in support of the Phase 3 coronavirus package.

“Our healthcare workers on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus need our help now, as do American families, workers, and small businesses who are being hit by the economic fallout. We fought successfully to ensure this rescue package provides a surge of support to overcrowded hospitals and health centers, and throws an economic lifeline to those who need it most by significantly expanding unemployment insurance and extending desperately needed help to small and mid-sized businesses struggling to stay afloat. We also channel badly needed resources to state and local governments who are battling to keep up with the demand for public services. That being said, this legislation is far from perfect, and I remain disappointed that a number of important provisions were blocked by Senate Republicans. But at this moment of national emergency, this federal response is urgently needed to help America weather the storm, and we will keep fighting for additional measures in the weeks and months to come. 

“As we continue to navigate this difficult time for our country, we must stay united in our resolve to combat this virus and the economic crisis it has created. I’ve been touched by the compassionate acts of Marylanders across our state – from our healthcare workers battling this day in and day out, to first responders, communities, non-profits, and businesses providing each other and our most vulnerable with constant support. I know together we will overcome this.”