September 29, 2022

Van Hollen Statement on Continuing Resolution

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding his vote in favor of the short-term continuing resolution:

“As legislators, funding our government and preventing a shameful shutdown has got to be a top priority. That’s why I voted today for the short-term funding bill that will ensure our government remains open and that the millions of federal employees I serve in Maryland will be able to continue working on behalf of the American people. This legislation also includes critical funding to support the Ukrainian people in their efforts against Russia, help families with their winter heating bills through the LIHEAP program, back local investments through Community Development Block Grants, support the vital work done by the FDA, and increase disaster relief. While this stopgap measure will see us through to later this year, we must continue working to pass more comprehensive funding legislation to fully address the needs of our country and our communities.”