April 11, 2019

Van Hollen Statement on David Bernhardt

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen released the following statement regarding his vote opposing the confirmation of David Bernhardt as Secretary of the Department of the Interior:

“The Department of the Interior oversees the protection of America’s natural treasures – our vast public lands, our diverse wildlife, and our environment. But David Bernhardt’s record makes one thing clear: these treasures are not his first priority. Instead, he’s spent his career, both as a former oil lobbyist and in the Trump Administration, tearing down environmental safeguards and wildlife protections. I’m deeply disturbed that Mr. Bernhardt’s loyalty lies not with the American people but with lobbyists and major polluters. I will continue pushing for more information on Mr. Bernhardt’s part in rolling back environmental protections, and I will be sure to closely monitor – and if necessary, fight – his actions at the Department.”
