September 27, 2018

Van Hollen Statement on Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh Testimonies

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding the testimonies of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh:

"Today we saw powerful testimony from a courageous Dr. Christine Blasey Ford—testimony that she knew would turn her life upside down, but that she felt compelled to give anyway because it was her civic duty to make sure the American people knew the truth. Thank you, Dr. Ford, for your strength and your honesty.

Judge Kavanaugh’s time before the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon stood in sharp contrast. His opening comments today—that the credible sexual assault allegations against him are an “orchestrated political hit” fueled by anger at President Trump and an attempt to get revenge for 2016—show his total disregard for Dr. Ford’s anguished testimony. Did Democrats manufacture her awful experience? Did Democrats tell her to share her anguish with her therapist years ago?

Today’s painful events could have been avoided if President Trump and Senate Republicans had allowed a full FBI investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh. Why not have the FBI question Mark Judge?

But when repeatedly given the chance to call for the FBI to get to the bottom of all this, Judge Kavanaugh refused. My Republican colleagues were quick to point out that the FBI does not make a final determination, but they do collect and present all the facts. Why would anyone want to cast a vote on this lifetime appointment without all the facts?

Dr. Ford put the American people first by coming forward to tell her painful story when she had nothing to gain and everything to lose. Senate Republicans now need to do their civic duty, put politics aside, show the same courage. People of good conscience cannot rush forward with a vote on Kavanaugh. Please call on Chairman Grassley and Mitch McConnell to cancel the vote tomorrow."