March 14, 2019

Van Hollen Statement on Emergency Declaration Vote

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding the Senate’s bipartisan vote to oppose President Trump’s national emergency declaration: 

“When I took my oath of office, I swore to support and defend the Constitution. It’s the same pledge that every single Senator, all 100 of us, made when we started our jobs. And today, 59 senators held true to that promise. We stood together on a bipartisan basis to say no to this gross abuse of executive power, no to robbing critical military projects across the country to fund this unnecessary wall and no to abandoning Congress’ power of the purse.

“The President now must make a decision. Will he move forward with a project that will make our country less safe, or will he abandon this unconstitutional effort to build his wall that many in his own party don’t even support? A majority of Congress has now voted to tell him to stop.”
