July 22, 2020

Van Hollen Statement on House Passage of No Ban Act

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement on the House of Representatives’ passage of the No Ban Act, legislation to repeal President Trump’s Muslim Ban. Senator Van Hollen helped introduce the Senate companion legislation to the House bill and has repeatedly, and successfully, pressed the Administration to publicly release information on the ban.

"President Trump's Muslim Ban undermines our values and weakens our national security by playing into the hands of our enemies. In reality, this ban is nothing more than thinly veiled bigotry. I have repeatedly pushed back against the ban and have forced the Administration to release data on its implementation – which proved that the so-called waiver process was a sham. I’m glad to see the House pass this important legislation, and I will continue pushing my Senate colleagues to stand up against Trump’s bigotry and bring it to the floor.”