June 27, 2018

Van Hollen Statement on Justice Kennedy’s Retirement

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen released the following statement regarding the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy:  

“The McConnell Rule is clear—?the American people must have a say in the upcoming election before Justice Kennedy’s vacancy is filled. And when the Senate considers the President’s nominee next year, we need someone who will get broad bipartisan support. That requires a nominee who is widely viewed to be an impartial administrator of justice?—?someone who will protect: access to health care, women’s reproductive rights, voting rights, and the rights of working Americans. We need a Supreme Court Justice who recognizes that the unlimited sums of secret money pouring into our elections is poisoning our democracy. We need someone who will stand up for liberty and justice for all—?not someone who is just another vote for powerful special interests. And if the President nominates another person off of his right-wing wish list, Americans must rally in every part of this great country to protect our democracy and our freedoms.”