March 07, 2017

Van Hollen Statement on Republican Health Care Plan

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen released the following statement on the Republicans' American Health Care Act:

"Now we know why Washington Republicans kept their plan secret for weeks -- the long awaited Trumpcare is a disaster for everyone except the wealthy. On the campaign trail, Donald Trump promised his health care plan would 'take care of everybody' - but Trumpcare would tear coverage away from millions while making it more expensive for millions more. He promised that Americans 'can have their doctors, they can have their plans' - but Trumpcare would destroy protections that help Americans get and retain health care when they need it the most.

"Trumpcare would leave more Americans without health care, raise premiums, and cut taxes for the rich. The plan even includes a new tax break for multi-million dollar bonuses to CEOs at the expense of everyone else - especially working class families and older Americans. Americans over 60 years old on the ACA exchanges would have to pay $2,750 more for care per year.

"Today President Trump called Trumpcare 'wonderful' - but if you believe that, I have some Trump Steaks to sell you."