January 24, 2019

Van Hollen Statement on Senate Vote To Reopen the Government

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding the Senate’s failed vote to reopen the government:

 “Today marks 34 days of the Trump Shutdown. Moments ago, the Senate had an opportunity to pass a narrow proposal to reopen the government until February 8th. This would have allowed over 800,000 federal employees to get back to work—as well as receive their back pay so they can finally afford to pay for their mounting bills. It would have also meant breathing room to get to the negotiating table and work out a long-term solution. But under the direction of President Trump, Senate Republicans blocked it from passing. This is not what the American people sent us here to do. We must come together to end this madness—and I won’t stop fighting until we end this shameful shutdown.”

