May 15, 2020

Van Hollen Statement on the House Passage of the Heroes Act

Today, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement on the House of Representatives passage of the Heroes Act, legislation to provide more funds to support coronavirus relief and response:

“The House has done its job, and now the Senate must act. Despite what Mitch McConnell thinks, our families, front-line workers, small businesses, and state and local governments have urgent needs now as our economy teeters on the brink. The Heroes Act focuses on the immediate COVID-19 response from health care to relief for American families and businesses. It also incorporates crucial provisions that I have fought for like increased funds for testing, important fixes to the Paycheck Protection Program, progress on dedicated dollars to close the digital divide, and funding for the District of Columbia to keep our regional response on track. I urge Senator McConnell to do right by the American people and bring this bill up for Senate consideration immediately."